Update V2


This week, I kept wroking on TheBindingOfMonfiac to continue to learn Unity. This time again, I learned a lot of new concepts and tools, and my game has became better. This week was more focus on the game feel. Here's the complete schedule:

    Morning: - I started the week by listing the ToDos of the week, meaning all the things that I wanted to modify, and to add to my game;
                          - I looked at some tools that could help in these type of listing and project management such as Trillo, Notion ...
                          - I did some conceptualisation to understand towards what level design I want to tend. I decided that my game would be composed of multiple levels, with each one having multiple waves of enemies;
                           - I implemented a game manager, that would be a game object tracking the entire data of a level, knowing when to start the next wave by counting the number of enemies still alive, or triggering the game over screen once the player died;
                           - In the making of the game manager, I used the attributes [System.Serializable] to get a list of waves, each one of theim being a list of spawns containing an enemy type and coordonates.
    Afternoon: - This afternnon was dedicated to the learning of unity new input system. I will use this input system to implement the mouse and keyboard controls;
                               - I remade the gamepad controls for the new Input System;
                               - There was a bug there, I wasn't detecting anymore when the player stoped shooting, used for the rezoom of the camera;

    Morning : - I should have take a breaker sooner monday afternnon, because the bug was quite stupid. I was setting the corresponding bool flag to false instead of true ...
                            - I implemented the mouse and keyboard controls;
                            - I add an attribute maxRange for the shooters;
                            - I created the pause menu, and used the LoadScene method with the Additive attribute to implement it.
    Afternoon: - I learned about particle systems;
                               - Added particles for the bullets exploding, and added trails to theim.

    Morning: - Added walk particles;
                          - I had a course on sprite renderer, sprite animations, animator ...
                          - I used Kenney tool ( https://kenney.itch.io/creature-mixer ) to create sprites and add theim to my different creatures;
    Afternoon: - I watched Nitendo Direct;
                               - I animated the different creature sprites;
                                - I tweeked my implementaion in order for my creatures to look in the direction they are moving/looking;
                                - I made so my creatures would never have their feet pointing upward.

    Afternoon: - I learned about audio sources, audio clips, audio mixers ...
                               - I used SFXR to create all my sound effects, and downloaded some musics from the internet;
                               - I implemented all these sounds;
                               - I used an interface, IPointerEnterHandler, to play a sound when the cursor hovers over a button.
                               - I watched a video about game feel : https://youtu.be/AJdEqssNZ-U

    Morning: - I watched an other video about game feel : https://youtu.be/Fy0aCDmgnxg
                           - I tried to modify the camera for it to be smoother;
                           - I successfuly modified the camera in running mode, but not in shooting mode;
                           - I was introduced to PostProcessing;
                           - I used it to decreased the color grading saturation during bullet time;
                           - I learned about UnityEvents, and used it to detect when bulletTime is being used, and when the player get damaged;
                           - I added a vignette effect when the player get damaged;
                           - I used a coroutine to implement this last effect.
    Afternoon: - I added a control page to the main menu;
                               - I did this week build;
                               - I then spotted and corrected a bug causing the background music playlist to not be entirely random. However, this bug fixed is not included in the current build, and will only appear next week;
                                - I updated the itch.io page.


TheBindingOfMonfiac_v2.zip 38 MB
Jun 23, 2023

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